Why the Cardinal-

The word cardinal represents a profound importance.

This is birth. Birth is paramount. Birth is a cardinal moment in a family's existence.

Equally as profound, Northern Cardinals are a familiar and even nostalgic presence in Pennsylvania. They stand out with their crimson plumage, against the grey or snowy backdrop of chilly northeast winters.

That brilliant red cardinal cares for it's nesting mate, feeding and supporting her, as she tends their nest, grows their babies, and transition into motherhood.

This is in essence what a midwife lives for. Serving and caring for the pregnant woman & her family as they transition into a new family dynamic.

My goal is to offer you unparalleled care, so your birth stands out in your heart, as memorable, personal, and forever engrained as a positive, supported, and informed experience.

Your birth matters.


“I believe in the Creators perfect design. Pregnancy, childbirth, and parenting, were designed to work.”

“I believe the ADVERSARY is actively attacking our unborn.

The LORD YHWH designed us perfectly - the intricate dance of physiology to keep a pregnancy healthy, and to give birth, and nourish a newborn, to become parents, to raise a family, it is intricately designed.

When we hand over this sacred process of growing and carrying life, to MAN- the cascade of damage is devastating.

Routinely stopping and changing the physiological process of pregnancy and labor, STOPS the physiological safeguards in the design, that are meant to serve the mother/baby.

Routinely using drugs (pitocin) that mimic the love hormone but instead destroy the capacity for oxytocin GENERATIONALLY-
(yes it effects your babies)
Routinely separating newborns at birth,

has been proven to create a human with diminished capacity to love.

Teaching families to sleep apart from their babies, to stop nursing, not to trust their parental instincts, to send kids away be taught by the government... this destroys the designed family and human structure that would work, and should work.

THIS is the work of the ADVERSARY - ”

“I believe in fully autonomous care for the family. Every decision belongs to the family, even in birth care. ”

“I believe birth is a normal physiological event. I believe the body is a physiological powerhouse, and provides us with numerous safeguards, as we labor and birth, as long as we leave AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE, untouched, and we make distinguished efforts to care for our bodies and babies with optimal nutrition. ”

“I believe in Traditional Midwifery as the core for all birth care in human history.

There is no teaching, like the Art of Midwifery.

The Art of Normal Birth, quiet hands and mouths, patience for the process, an ear for the intuition of the laboring human and the attendant, and an eagle’s eye for what falls outside our parameters.”

“I believe in Evidence Based Maternity Care.”

“I believe it’s a human right, right to choose with whom, where and how you give birth. ”

“I believe birth and the decisions therein, belong only to the family. ”

“I believe providers owe complete transparency to their clients and the community.”